fragment (2024)

for solo performer, disklavier, live 13.1-channel sound, video, live light


concept, composition, and performance: Ian Whillock

technical support: Lucas Xerxes, Denis Połeć

lighting assistance: Gabriel Saber

premiered February 1, 2024, Hamburg Germany


text excerpt:
you are alone
in a place
maybe you
have been here
it is
probably just
a memory


fragment is a multimedia performance art piece that explores physical touch in the digital age. It can be argued physical touch is as essential to our well being as commonly considered basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. As the era of digital communication progresses, we are becoming more physically isolated. The piece combines musical improvisation, robotics, live 3D sound, live lighting, video, text, and physical performance to explore the concept of this growing physical isolation on our cognitive functioning and memory. Through the interaction of multimedia elements, fragment investigates how the lack of physical touch and increased digital interaction can affect our minds.



audio excerpts: